Pine Tree Care Guide

Pine Tree trimming guide

If you’re new to caring for evergreens, you’re probably wondering how to properly maintain your new pine to ensure that it will grow to be tall and strong. Pine trees don’t need much maintenance, but they do need some care to make sure they last. Here’s what you need to know.


Pine trees need water to survive and thrive. To determine when you should water them, dig about 3 inches into the soil surrounding the tree. If the soil is dry, the tree requires water immediately.

To water a pine tree, use a garden hose with an attachment that keeps the flow slow, instead of disturbing the soil with too much pressure. Place the attachment along the tree’s drip line (the line around the outermost part of the canopy where water drips off the tree onto the ground) and allow 1 inch of water to accumulate. During dry months, do this at least once weekly. The more it rains, the less you need to worry about manually watering your tree.


Use fertilizer to reduce any environmental stresses the tree may experience and to keep the tree healthy. To properly care for your pine tree, you must apply fertilizer along its drip line annually.

Determine how much fertilizer you need by measuring the tree trunk’s entire diameter. Use 1 cup of fertilizer per 1 inch of diameter. For example, if the trunk is 6 inches in diameter, then you must apply 6 cups of fertilizer around the drip line. Water your tree before spreading the fertilizer evenly and watering the tree again. Do this yearly during the tree’s first five years of life. Don’t fertilize a pine tree that’s older than five years of age.

Special Considerations

Trees can get sunburn and can suffer from dehydration. To reduce the likelihood of this happening, place two pieces of durable plywood against the side of the tree that receives the most direct sunlight. The planks act as a sunscreen to help prevent the heat from damaging your tree.

With these three simple fundamentals, you can give your pine tree a much better chance of growing into a beautiful and impressive addition to your garden.

If you have a pine tree trimming that’s just out of your reach or in a space that’s a little too tight make sure that you reach out to a local tree care company for an estimate. Most of the time they have free estimates that will at the very least give you some insight as to how the tree can be handled properly. If you live in the Philadelphia, Montgomery County, Chester County or Delaware County area please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Executive Tree Care. One of our managers would be happy to come out and give you an assessment, we also give estimates through video! (484) 451-8900

If you need a laugh, here’s a Grandpa pruning Pine Trees to help teach his Grandchildren how to count. He does actually give some really great tips though. We would definitely suggest watching.